Никогда не повредит попросить того, что тебе хочется. (с)
Ещё одна важная запись....
)))) С Днём Рождения тебя!!!
It's a bit difficult for me to decide what to say. Strange, it happens not so often. I just want my words to be really important. I want them to mean something. Want to find special words, right ones.
So... what can it be? Understanding, feeling yourself not lonely, support, belief in yourself and your abilities, light and love in your eyes and in people around u.
I think that ones can be really important for u. Wish u this today.
Another chance.
Happy Birthday, Wing!!!!


It's a bit difficult for me to decide what to say. Strange, it happens not so often. I just want my words to be really important. I want them to mean something. Want to find special words, right ones.
So... what can it be? Understanding, feeling yourself not lonely, support, belief in yourself and your abilities, light and love in your eyes and in people around u.
I think that ones can be really important for u. Wish u this today.
Another chance.
Happy Birthday, Wing!!!!
