Это с диска моего хорошего друга Саши, давно-давно не виделись..жаль, я по нему даже скучаю немного. Настен, ты ведь знаешь о ком я? Классный он правда? Жаль, что такой взрослый.... Интересно, а он на юр или псих поступил на 2ое высшее?..
Eternal flame
Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling.
Do u feel my heartbeating? Do u understand?
Do u feel the same? Am I only dreaming?
Is this burning An Eternal Flame?
I believe it ment to be, darling.
I watch u when u are sleeping.
U belong to me. Do u feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
Is this burning an Eternal Flame?
Say my name sunshine through the rain,
Upon life so boundless and come an easy pain.
I don't want to lose this feeling...
Say my name sunshine through the rain
Upon life so boundless and come an easy pain.
I don't want to lose this feeling...
Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling.
Do u feel my heartbeating? Do u understand?
Do u feel the same? Am I only dreaming?
Is this burning An Eternal Flame?